The Hotel was constructed in 1984. The past and present shadow you here. Harmony, romance and business overlap in this precinct of peace and serenity. The four seasons will leave a benchmark of nostalgic memories. Cruise on Hudson, rides on horseback and the car-shows are some of the punctuations you will enjoy in Kingston. We offer Free High Speed Internet.Directions
Direction to the Property from Airport - Take I-87 South to Exit 19. Take Exit 19 on I-87. Go through the toll booth. Go straight to traffic circle. Take 2nd right off traffic circle on Washington Avenue. Motel is 1/4 mile down on the right past Kingston Plaza. Direction to the Property from East - From I-84 West to I-87 North. Take Exit 19 on I-87. Go through the toll booth. Go straight to traffic circle. Take 2nd right off traffic circle on Washington Avenue. Motel is 1/4 mile down on the right past Kingston Plaza sign. Direction to the Property from North - From I-87 New York State Thruway take Exit 19. Go through the toll booth. Go straight to traffic circle. Take 2nd right off traffic circle on Washington Avenue. Motel is 1/4 mile down on the right past Kingston Plaza sign. Direction to the Property from South - From I-87 New York State Thruway take Exit 19. Go through the toll booth. Go straight to traffic circle. Take 2nd right off traffic circle on Washington Avenue. Motel is 1/4 mile down on the right past Kingston Plaza sign. Direction to the Property from West - Take 209 East to 28 West. Stay in right hand lane and merge into Washinton Avenue. Motel is 1/4 mile down on the right past Kingston Plaza.Recreation
On-Site Recreation - Hiking Horse Racing Nature Preserves/Trails Other Activity Shopping Sightseeing Tours Snow Skiing Water Sports Onsite Recreational Activities - Art Colony Off-Site Recreation - Hiking Horse Racing Nature Preserves/Trails Shopping Sightseeing Tours Snow Skiing Water Sports Offsite Recreational Activities - Art ColonySafetyInfo
Room safety and security - audible smoke detectors fire detectors interior doorways smoke detectors sprinklers property safety and security - electronic room key system fire detectors in hallways fire extinguishers in hallways meets fire safety code smoke detectors in hallways smoke detectors in public areas sprinklers in hallways sprinklers in public areasFood & Drink
Info Not AvailableRecreation
Info Not AvailablePool & Wellness
Info Not AvailableGuest Services
Car RentalOther Amenities
WifiPet Fiendly
Pets are Welcome