Druds the three ponds hotel, opened in march 2008, is the first enterprise network druds hotels. Economy class, the hotel specializes in corporate service for both men and women in business. Druds three ponds hotel is synonymous with comfort, convenience, safety and tranquility, for a fair price. 56 apartments are equipped to better serve you.Description
O druds hotel tres lagoas, inaugurado em marco de 2008, e o primeiro empreendimento da rede druds hoteis. De categoria economica, o hotel e especializado em atendimento corporativo, tanto para homens e mulheres de negocios. Druds hotel tres lagoas e sinonimo de conforto, comodidade, seguranca e tranquilidade, por uma tarifa justa. Sao 56 apartamentos equipados para melhor servi-lo.Directions
5 km, 3 miles northeastDirections
5 km, 3 milhas nordeste.Recreation
Nao possuiSafetyInfo
Provide a safe in each apartment.SafetyInfo
Disponibilizamos um cofre em cada apartamento.Food & Drink
Restaurant Restaurant À la carteRecreation
Info Not AvailablePool & Wellness
Fitness CenterGuest Services
safeOther Amenities
Business Center WifiPet Fiendly
Info Not Available